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The Needs of Living Things

WGBH Educational Foundation
Type Category
Instructional Materials
Image/Image Set , Lesson/Lesson Program
This resource, vetted past NSTA curators, is provided to teachers along with suggested modifications to get in more in line with the vision of the NGSS. While non considered to be "fully aligned," the resources and expert recommendations provide teachers with concrete examples and adept guidance using the EQuIP rubric to adapted existing resources. Read more here.




Students spotter video clips of animals and plants in their natural environments to determine what living things need to survive. They volition and then consummate an analogy of their ain real or imagined plant or fauna fulfilling i or more of their needs for survival, within their natural environment. While this lesson does a good job explaining how animals see their needs through their environments, additional lessons and experiences with plants would need to be provided in order to meet the full standard.

Intended Audience

Educational Level
  • Uncomplicated School
Linguistic communication
Access Restrictions

Gratis access - The right to view and/or download material without financial, registration, or excessive advertising barriers.

M-LS1-one Utilize observations to describe patterns of what plants and animals (including humans) need to survive.

Description Argument: Examples of patterns could include that animals need to take in nutrient but plants do non; the unlike kinds of nutrient needed past dissimilar types of animals; the requirement of plants to accept light; and, that all living things need water.

Assessment Boundary: none

This resources is explicitly designed to build towards this performance expectation.

Comments about Including the Functioning Expectation
Be sure to include both Parts I and II in the lesson in order to fulfill the performance expectation. Emphasize that the needs are being met to ensure survival. Since the videos are short one should add boosted examples through other videos or books to give a wider moving picture of what animals and plants need to survive. To extend the experience with the functioning expectation take students create the Biome in a Bag as explained in the provided video. Withal, young children may not perceive h2o recycling within the biome and may misconceive how plants are getting the h2o they need. A simple plant growth experiment would requite students a more explicit case of what plants need to survive. Institute the aforementioned type of seed in in four unlike conditions (in dark without h2o, in dark with water, in light with no water, and in light with water). Take students record their observations over fourth dimension.Teachers will need to re- emphasize the needs of living things throughout both parts of the lesson. Utilise of grade record charts and strategies such as writing frames are strongly encouraged in order for students to record their thinking, as a reference for further explanations, and to look for patterns among plants and animals (compare and contrast).

  • Apply observations (immediate or from media) to depict patterns and/or relationships in the natural and designed globe(s) in club to answer scientific questions and solve problems.

This resource appears to be designed to build towards this science and engineering practice, though the resources developer has not explicitly stated then.

Comments about Including the Science and Engineering Practice
Although the thought of "patterns" is non explicitly expressed, it tin can be made more explicit through having students express and hash out the way plants and animals obtain what they demand to survive, i.e. animals need to take in food merely plants exercise not, the dissimilar kinds of food needed by dissimilar kinds of animals, the requirement of plants to have light, etc. To address the second part of the exercise have students compare and contrast plant eaters to meat eaters. Help students make connections between their surroundings and their needs. All animals need nutrient, some are carnivores, some omnivorous, some herbivorous - how might their specific food needs influence where they live? Exist certain to point these ideas out during the videos and with additional resources. Cheque for understanding past having students draw an beast in its environment including its needs for survival. Then have students explicate their drawings to each other. Guide the explanations with questions about what the animal'south needs are and how it fulfills them. Display all the pictures and inquire students to describe patterns (with regard to animal, need, surround) they see among all the drawings.

  • All animals need food in order to live and grow. They obtain their food from plants or from other animals. Plants need h2o and light to live and grow.

This resources is explicitly designed to build towards this disciplinary core idea.

Comments about Including the Disciplinary Core Idea
The videos used as a part of this lesson provide aplenty opportunities for students to notice ways animals obtain their needs. It may be wise to view videos several times and tie them into other resources (books, pictures) and to reinforce the idea through guided questions such every bit - What type food do they need? Where are they getting the nutrient? What does the nutrient provide for the (plant or animal)? The simple establish experiment mentioned in the performance expectation section of this review volition too reinforce this cadre idea.

  • Plants and animals can change their environment.

This resources appears to exist designed to build towards this disciplinary core idea, though the resource developer has not explicitly stated and then.

Comments about Including the Disciplinary Core Thought
The beaver video addresses this disciplinary core idea well, however the instructor needs to use guiding questions in order to go students to observe and discuss the changes existence fabricated and the way animals may dispense their environment in lodge to provide for their needs. It is more than challenging to prove how plants tin can change their surround since it usually takes place over time. The biome in a handbag activeness may be hard for young children to run into how plants change their environment. Using the example of tree roots growing out of the ground, either through pictures, or out in the school yard, may exist a more concrete instance. Fourth dimension-laps videos, pictures, or books that bear witness growth over fourth dimension of trees, weeds taking over a field, or invasive plant life in a pond could also reinforce this cadre idea.

  • Patterns in the natural and human designed world tin can be observed, used to depict phenomena, and used as prove.

This resource appears to exist designed to build towards this crosscutting concept, though the resource programmer has not explicitly stated and so.

Comments nearly Including the Crosscutting Concept
Explicitly referring to and asking students to identify and tape the patterns they run into while observing the videos volition help emphasize this crosscutting concept. Otherwise, students may be able to identify patterns within a specific type of living thing, but not immediately notice or identify patterns beyond different kinds of living things. Information technology will be helpful to model (think aloud strategies) how using the patterns they have observed tin exist used every bit evidence for reasoning how plants and animals interact with their environment.

Resources Quality

  • Alignment to the Dimensions of the NGSS: Students use observations to identify and describe patterns of how plants and animals obtain their needs in their surround and construct opinions based on bear witness from the videos they view. Young children could complete the optional activity or the uncomplicated experiment suggested with assistance which would strengthen the advice parts of the scientific practices. There are some adjustments that should be made to conform a young learner but with constructive questions and guidance young children can reach the expectations of the standard.

  • Instructional Supports: The videos engage the students in real-life phenomena nevertheless, it is highly dependent on effective questioning and eliciting explanations from students. Assuasive for ample discussion throughout the lesson will enable students to make connections to their own, and others', ideas and prior knowledge. The activities are accessible to all learners with little aligning. Since information technology is a guided action, the teacher tin can utilise instructional supports when necessary and allow students to participate and respond at their own level.

  • Monitoring Student Progress: The resource does not provide an assessment opportunity for young children other than formative, through monitoring educatee discussion and their record of observations in order to provide feedback. The instructor would need to create an appropriate cess.

  • Quality of Technological Interactivity: While the videos are high quality, engaging, and provide a meaningful connection to the topic, in that location is no interactive component aside form watching the videos and discussing their content. As a side note: successful streaming will depend on the users' connection and having the necessary software (i.e. flashplayer, etc.) to stream the videos.